With the dust (mostly) settled on their previous feuds, Nico and Adam forge a new era of peace time with the films of 1991. Will…
The Big Lebowski (13:12), Rushmore (32:15), Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (43:00), Out of Sight (55:20), Rounders (1:02:53) or Saving Private Ryan (1:16:36)? What’s…
With the wounds (mostly) healed from last week’s E.T. vs Blade Runner debate, Nico and Adam jump into the films of 1974. Will it be…
It’s finally here. The bloodiest fight in podcast history. Their arsenals are loaded, their battle plans are drawn. And now, Nico and Adam are ready…
Nico catches up some newish movies, before the guys dive head-first into the films of 1997. Which will earn a spot in the Hall of…
After our multi-week sojourn to classic Hollywood, Nico and Adam return to the 21st century to discuss the best movies of 2008. Will it be…