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Nick Reviews “1917” (2019)

Read my review on Letterboxd

Its been about a week since I watched this movie, and I can’t stop thinking about it.

To anyone who thinks the “Shot in one take” thing might seem gimmicky—it is not. I truly believe it was the best way to tell this story. (And it truly isn’t in one take, narratively speaking, since he is knocked unconscious for several hours)

The film is absolutely stunning—beautiful even in it’s ugliest moments. It also manages to be a deeply personal film, which is not typical for a war movie.

In many ways, it is not a film about war: it is a film in a war setting, about a man.

This will be a movie I remember for years.

Cincinnati, OH
Co-host of 'Why is This a Thing?' and 'Fantasy Book of the Month' Podcast. Coffee lover, cat-dad, fantasy nerd and workaholic.

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