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Nick Reviews “Joker” (2019)

Read my review on Letterboxd

When I left the theater, my mind was blown. This movie is going to change movies, I thought.

Every single day since then, the movie’s reputation has fallen lower and lower. Wait, what was the point? This movie has not aged well for me.

I can’t even tell if this movie really has a point. I mean we live in a society and all, but this movie doesn’t really offer any comments on what that means. It doesn’t offer any solution.

The fact that he dons the Joker persona, and ties this film into the DC universe, only serves to make the film worse. Had this movie been simply about Arthur, the man, I think it would have stuck with me more.

Cincinnati, OH
Co-host of 'Why is This a Thing?' and 'Fantasy Book of the Month' Podcast. Coffee lover, cat-dad, fantasy nerd and workaholic.

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