It’s here… the Great Dunkirk Debate! Nico and Adam get heated as they discuss the career of Christopher Nolan, the quiet brilliance of Tom Hardy,…
Nico and Adam get into a war of words over War for the Planet of the Apes. Subscribe to the show on iTunes and YouTube for…
Zakk and Nick continue their coveted crowdfunding coverage with a tool from the future and…Lava-lamp soap? Support the projects mentioned! BondicEVO| Illumisoap
Over the course of WiTaT history, the title of Worst Movie Ever Made has been bestowed upon many films. But this week, with a review…
The guys FINALLY pay tribute to the late great Adam West with two episodes of the classic Batman television series. Two words: Liberace twins. Follow…
With the arrival of Baby Driver, the summer movie season is finally up and running! On this edition of Movie Hopping, Nico and Adam discuss…